Council Rates (QLD)

Council Rates are the level of rates that landowners must pay.

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Council Rates (QLD)

Council Rates are the level of rates that landowners must pay. These charges are used to raise funds so they can provide services and infrastructure to their communities. Each financial year the council decide their own rates at their discretion. Rates are determined by:

  • the range of services needed to support the community (e.g. waste management, local roads and suburban care)
  • How much money is needed to fund services and infrastructure

These rates are usually based on land size or footprint. They are needed when you settle, as the rates are adjusted between the vendor and purchaser upon settlement. They are adjusted so that the vendor pays the rates up until the day of settlement and the purchaser is only liable from then until the end of the rating period, in this case 30 June.

The Search for these rates through triSearch includes:

  • Amount of the annual rates
  • Payments previous made
  • Outstanding payments

You can find out more about the Queensland rates by going to the Brisbane City Council website.  

Required Information
  • Matter reference
  • Lot Plan

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Community Conveyancing
Philippa Mason, Licensee