Simple Steps to Completing your Verification of Identity - triSearch

Simple Steps to Completing your Verification of Identity

eight steps to verification of identity

Verification of Identity if managed properly can securely can present your firm with a wealth of benefits. By implementing a digital solution like triSearch’s triVOI, you can save time and money on verifications.

To help, you can follow this easy step-by-step processes to minimise the risk of experiencing fraudulent behaviour.

My eight step guide to completing Verification of Identity from anywhere for your client, using triVOI is as follows:

Verification of Identity with triVOI step 1
1. Open triVOI on your phone or tablet in a browser via the triSearch platform. After you log in it will bring you to this screen where you have the ability to view previous, pending or saved verifications. Here is where you add a new verification. By pressing on the plus button, a notification will come up asking if you want to organise a remote or in person verification.
Verification of Identity with triVOI step 2
2. After you have selected the verification type, you need to enter in your client’s information and email address. Make sure the email address is entered correctly as the VOI link will be emailed to the client. Your client will receive this notification to begin the process.
Verification of Identity with triVOI  step 3
3. Your client will need to enter in their details and add proof of ID up to 100 points. Your client will be asked to take a photo of their IDs and cannot continue until they have done so sufficiently.
triVOI step 4
4. The final stage for your client in this process will be to sign the declaration in the tool that their documents are true and correct.
triVOI step 5
5. In the next triVOI step, you will the receive an email confirmation. This will prompt you to organise time with your client to enter a live video meeting through the tool.
6. After you have confirmed a time with your client you will go back into the tool, select on the pending tab and press start video meeting within the app to identify your client over video and review documents. This video call will allow you to talk to and see your client in real time. Once in the call you will be prompted to take a photo of your client to complete identity verification successfully. You can retake the photo if needed. As you end the call you will be prompted to sign declaration, declaring you have taken reasonable steps to verify your client.
7. Once you have signed you will be taken to a summary screen. Keeping security in mind, we have built in a unique code that you need to copy to verify your report. You will then receive an email with a link requesting that unique code in order to download the report.
8. Finally, after entering the code you will have a downloadable report and summary of the VOI conducted, saved as a PDF.

triSearch also launched all-in-one Conveyancing solution, triConvey, a powerful $0 practice management system integrated with triSearch’s next generation search platform and eConveyancing solutions, like triVOI.

To find out more about how you can utilise our one-stop shop for your conveyancing needs, book a demonstration.

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